Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lessons I've Learned on My Vacation

1.) Manners never take a vacation. (Thanks, Mom.)

2.) Meeting the people that the people you love love is always a worthwhile pursuit.

3.) There are wonderful people waiting to be met EVERYWHERE.

4.) Sometimes, a little magic really is all you need.

5.) It really does just take faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.

6.) All time off should be spent with people you love and yourself.

7.) What makes you happy when you are 5 can still make you happy when you are 23.

8.) I love being able to see my friends succeed in their own lives. I think that is a really beautiful thing about being a grown up.

9.) It really blows to get vomited on while on an airpla

10.) Sometimes it is nice to take some alone time. Like reading at the pool. Or flying across the country. Or shopping for a bottle of wine.

11.) I neeeeeeeeeeed change. I am not so broken anymore. It is time. Much reflection has brought me to that knowledge. Now, how to make it happen?

12.) I love to bake. I love when other people like things I bake :)

13.) Getting away is good for your soul.

14.) Going home is good for your heart.

15.) Disney World truly is the most magical place in the world.
16.) Love comes in all shapes and sizes and forms. And it's the kinds that we tend to overlook when we are caught up in the quest for romantic love that make us better people and help us be whole even when we are worried that we never will be better or whole again.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The hiatus will be ending soon.

How soon?

Perhaps this evening soon.

Monday, July 5, 2010


This has been an immensely trying week, but thanks to very many people who are here to extricate me from my bed and force me to back, surprise me with movie tickets, leave me notes, remind me how loved and lucky I am, it has not been nearly as trying as it could have been. So thank you for loving me when I really need it, for lifting heavy boxes and reminding me to eat and jamming out until 3 AM to Madonna. I am just the luckiest. I love you guys.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Moving is equal parts sucky and awesome.

On the sucky side though, I don't have internet at my new place yet. So I can't update with regularity until that is remedied :)

Soon though, blog friends. Soon.