Monday, August 29, 2011

Making Magic

I have been hardcore nerding out at an increasingly rapid pace to a serious of books called The Dresden Files. Think Harry Potter meets Nancy Drew, tangoes with a trashy romance novel and then like gets mentored by Indiana Jones.

It really couldn't be more awesome.

Most importantly, though, there's magic.

If you know anything about me, then you know how I feel about magic. I begged for pixie dust when I went to Disney World, wished in wishing wells, read Harry Potter as though I could find magic through osmosis, wrote fanfiction with fervor to trigger magic from somewhere within. Because magic is awesome. Duh. And I'm always in constant wonderment of pondering its possibilities, ficitious or otherwise.

And magic isn't all glitter and spells and charms by the book. It's really silly, but reading about magic never ceases to make me notice little things that I find really magical. For example:

1.) A two year old's ability to applaud the 37th time through of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as though it were the opening notes of Carmen.

2.) The way cake batter forms itself into the perfect, tiny cupcake when baked at the correct temperature for the correct time.

3.) The way two tiny moving men can get a couch through a hallway barely big enough for people.

4.) The stillness of a Sunday morning, early, even on busy city streets.

5.) The grandness of Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte in Gallery 201

6.) The happyexcited feeling when you finally see someone you've been looking forward to seeing.

7.) The promise of always being able to go home.

8.) The breezy moment in the moonlight when you finally say out loud that you are falling in love.

9.) The coin behind the ear trick. I honestly still don't get sleight of hand. It really amazes me.

10.) Sunsets and sunrises. Pinks and purples and oranges and blues and the way the light shimmers on the lake and the beach and reaches up and over to start and end the day.

Anyway, enough with the sappy stuff. I leave you with this.

Faith, trust, pixie dust. Stars and stones. Hell's Bells. Magic is everywhere.