Friday, May 21, 2010

Things Im Glad I've Learned in the Past 6 Months or So

1.) I like my hot dogs a very specific way: ketchup, brown mustard, sweet relish.

2.) Twilight does NOT suck.

3.) Laundry for 1 takes half the time to do as laundry for 2.

4.) Running (and ellipticalling and biking and weight training and trying deperately to do bosu push ups even though I fail practically every time) brings peace. Well, maybe not peace exactly. But endorphins :) . And it wears me out to the point where I can sleep sleep sleep.

5.) Anytime is a good time to have tutu time.

6.) The people that you least expect are always the ones that surprise you the most when you find out how much they really care and will go out of their ways to make your life a better, happier, more well-adjusted place.

7.) There is no shame in loving musicals more then Jack's Mannequin. And furthermore, it is extremely possible to do both.

8.) Watching the people you love pursue their dreams is beautiful. Even when you have to let them go far, far away to do it.

9.) When choosing between walking or taking the bus, always walk. That's where all the fun stuff happens anyway.

10.) In the eternal words of someone covered by Hootie and the Blowfish, "Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever."

11.) Sometimes the best rebound you can have is figuring out how exactly to love yourself again.

12.) My favorite drink at Starbucks is a Venti Passion Shaken Iced Tea with 4 Splenda.

13.) My favorite pizza is pepperoni, sausage, green pepper, and black olive.

14.) I LOVE crunchy peanut butter.

15.) Writing. I'm not the greatest writer in the world and I'm probably not going to write the next great American novel. Not that I can't. I'm just not really interested. But sometimes I write things that occaisionally make people laugh. Or cry. Or get interested in things. And I like to write. So I think perhaps this is something I will do more of? I would love to write about books. Or theatre. Or weddings. Or lacking love lives.

16.) When you think things can't get worse, they probably can, and will. This is not a very happy thought, but the knowledge that things NEVER stay bad forever is always hopeful. Besides, if it's meant to be, it will be in the end. If it's not meant to be, it's not the end. Or something like that, which I'm sure I read in someone's facebook quotes or something.

17.) You should never be defined wholly by someone else. Losing sight of yourself and giving up on your dreams is a pretty tragic loss. Not one for the win column.

18.) Never underestimate the power of a cuddly baby, Jamba Juice, gin and tonic, a night out, or flinging yourself on a wonderful person's couch in the cheering up process.

19.) Unexpected freedom = unexpected adventure.

20.) Sometimes, you really do just have to figure it out on your own.

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