Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm eternally grateful for the incredible people in my life who love me and listen to me and hug me and give me tissues to dry my tears and pep talks when I'm down and celebrate all of my little wins with me.

Gratitude is the greatest gift you can give someone; a true and honest emotion. I started thanking people in this blog at a time when gratitude was the only thing I felt I didn't have to lie about. I was miserable and pretending to be happy, angry masquerading as peaceable, jovial. It reminded me how to truly feel something the way it should be felt and share the way something like gratitude should be shared.

Even now that I'm a slightly more happy and well-adjusted person, when there are days like today, I'm reminded of that time and reminded all over again that I don't know how I would have possibly made it from point a to point f without the influence, interference, love, guidance, support, and blessings that the people around me have brought to my life.

Thanks, even when there are tears and it seems a little harder to breathe, for big and small things, always always always.

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